I had a problem of excessive hairloss since 2 yrs . I tried medicines from so called hair -experts or Trichologist but only waste of money as these people doesn`t tell you basic reason of your problem. I was doubtful about Dr.Yogesh`s miracles homeo clinic also, but I am impressed with name itself- miracles. So with little hesitation, I started treatment from Dr.Kadam for 1st time consultation, he took so much exhaustive case history that I was not aware of half of the things ,as nobody took this much information from me since last 2 years. I found one great thing from this doctor- body-mind-correlation does exist for all your sufferings. his way of telling you the root cause of problem is so interesting that I also want to learn homeopathy. Dr.Yogesh cured my problem of hairlosss within 6 months. Thank you Dr.Yogesh.