I was suffering from hypothyriodism since last 15 years and on allopathic medicines. My life was hell as apart from thyroid, I got menses problem, hairloss ,skin infections ,body pains. My life was totally disgusting. One day I searched on Justdial about homeopthic doctor in Pune for thyroid problem. I found 5-6 names of clinic where miracles health clinic was registered. miracles- name itself was so promising that I search all over internet and Justdial and read about Dr.Yogesh and Dr.Bhagyashri kadam. I went through all the comments carefully and finally decided to go to Dr.Kadam. I am staying at baner and dr.kadam`s clinic is at viman nagar. But see, when u have destiny for your cure, somebody is there for you to heal. Just time has to come. You should be at right place at right time. I went with my husband on 28 Jan 2010. Dr.Yogesh took my detail history right from my childhood. I never analyzed myself that much through out my life. I was really impressed with his style of working as he never compromised while taking down details from you. he want each and every details from you. After almost 1 and half hour of long case taking , he then discussed it with his students. He had given me one powder to eat and told me to take daily one powder on empty stomach. now it more than six month and i am totally out of all complaints. dr.kadam has changed my life. Thanx Dr.Yogesh, you are really angel in my life. Thanks Justdial to guide me for my life journey to healing