
Cystitis is a common condition found more commonly in females. It is a condition where there is an inflammation of the urinary bladder, frequently caused by an infection by bacteria that have gained access to the bladder. Affects women at least once in her lifetime. Many patients have a tendency to get repeated attacks of cystitis.

Causes of cystitis

Cystitis is more commonly found in 50% of women because a woman’s urethra is shorter than a man’s urethra, making it easier for bacteria to enter and infect the female bladder.

Infection can occur when bacteria from the anus are transferred to the urethra.
Escherichia coli or E. Coli is one of the most common bacteria affecting bladder infection.

Bacteria can be transferred in the following ways:

  • While sexual intercourse
  • By while using sanitary tampons
  • Using a contraceptive diaphragms
  • Leucorrhea
  • Vaginitis

Many types of bacteria or fungi could lead to cystitis. Some of the common bacteria include micro-organisms

Symptoms of cystitis

  • Difficult and/or painful urination and/or burning with urination. This is called dysuria.
  • Urgency (urge to urinate in hurry)
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Increased frequency of urination (to pass a small amount of urination frequently)
  • Hematuria (blood in the urine)
  • Fever
  • Recurring episodes of cystitis
  • Cloudy and dark urine
  • The offensive smell in urine

Types of Cystitis:

  1.  Acute cystitis: In this case, the infection is acute which tends to last for about a week or two, depending on the cause of infection, the intensity of infection and patients’ immune status.
  2. Recurrent cystitis: Commonly observed if the patient’s immune system is compromised if the cause remains untreated.
  3. Chronic cystitis: Lasting episode of inflammation of the bladder, which may be observed for weeks or months.

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