Cataract is the development of haziness in the vision either partial or complete which gradually increases over time. Cataract affects the lens of the eye and prevents light from penetrating hence obstructing vision.


  • Aging
  • Diabetes and hypertension of long duration
  • Ultraviolet light e.g.: pilots are more prone to the disease as they fly at high altitudes continuously
  • Infra-red radiation e.g: glassblowers are exposed to infra-red radiation by virtue of their occupation
  • Trauma to the eye


Loss of clear vision and haloes around street lights at night. In early stages only haloes around lights at night are visible. The symptoms gradually advance causing loss of clear vision finally leading to blindness.


Research has proven that statins given to patients at risk for age-related nuclear cataracts (central) delay the process of cataract formation. Anti-oxidant use has not been proven to delay the process of cataract formation.


Constitutional homeopathic treatment can delay the formation of cataract in high-risk patients like pilots, glassblowers and the aged.


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